Saturday, October 07, 2006


If you're anything like me, you dread the damage you're skin suffers during the dry, cold Winter months. I have found 3 simple ways to heal dry skin, and alliviate the pain and suffering that goes along with it. But, don't think the only thing you need to concern yourself with is the extreme itchiness that comes with dry skin.

Common Symptoms Associated with Dry Skin
  • Scaley skin
  • Long-term redness to affected areas
  • Skin that sloughs off easily
  • Hyper sensitivity to affected area

As you can see, the painfull itching is only one componant of this problem; however, it is one of the most annoying ones. Until I found ways to combat the situation, I would wake up in the middle of the night tearing at my ankles and lower legs. Unatractive and painfull, not a pleasant combination.

The good news is, there are simple steps you can take to avoid these symptoms, and allow yourself the ability to enjoy the Winter months again.

3 Simple Steps

  1. Take a shower in lukewarm water (not hot). Hot water will only make matters worse, as it dry's out the skin even more.
  2. Use an in-shower lotion. It doesn't even have to be one of the lotions companies are making that are specified in-shower. You can use any regular lotion. Put it on right before you get out of the shower, and then gently pat yourself dry.
  3. While you're still slightly wet, aplly more lotion. Your skin will soak up more of the moisture if you let it dry with the water.

That's it. It's seems so simple and basic, but often times those are the things that work best. If you want more infor regarding dry skin, you can visit

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