Friday, October 06, 2006


How to beat winter dryness. Now that Fall is here, and with Winter fast approaching, it's time to pay close attention to our skin and hair. We've all been there, red, itchy, cracking skin, fly away frizzy hair, it's enough to make a girl want to stay indoors all season. Either that or drop a pile of money at the beauty counter trying to counteract the affects of old man winter. Before you lock the door and throw away the key, there are other less expensive options you can try.

I've found some economical, homemade tips for pampering ourselves without breaking the bank at On top of being a cheaper way to go, they are also much more environmentally friendly, so that's an extra bonus for those of us who no longer want to kill the ozone layer with our hairspray.

Homemade Hairspray
Take a lemon or an orange, simmer it in water, strain, and put in a spray bottle. The added feature to this one is how nice your hair will smell.

Deep Moiturising Hair Treatment
Take a generous amount of mayonnaise, apply it to you hair, wrap in a warm towel for 15 mins or more, and then shampoo in warm (not hot) water

Homemade Moisturising Skin Care
Mix about equal parts of corn meal and honey, use it as an exfoliating scrup, and then store it in a jar for later use.

You see, we don't always have to go to the mall or expensive makeup counter for our beauty products. Sometimes the grocery store will do just as well.

You can find more inexpensive ways to do just about anything at

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