Sunday, October 08, 2006


ARE YOU TECH SAVVY? I know I'm sure not! But, I also know I love Computer, digital cameras, tivo, (don't touch my tivo), and all other technical toys, but they are beginning to make my life a living nightmare.

They were invented and designed to make our lives eaiser and more enjoyable. When they work and you can figure out how to use them, they do just that. But, GOD help you if you can't figure out how to set them up, let alone use the darn things, it just zaps all the joy out of what they were intended for.

I got my first tivo shortly after they came out. I'm a huge tv aholic and it seemed like this invention was made just for me. I eagerly took it out of the box and spent the next week in various stages of a nervous breakdown trying to hook the damn thing up to my tv. As it turned out, the instructions that came with were wrong, and it took calling the support desk numerous times a day throughout the week before I got somebody that actually helped me. Don't get me started on my first digital camera!

I thought my days of desposable cameras, that printed disposable pictures, was far behind me when I got my first digital camera. As it turned out, I never could take a decent picture on it. It was probably my fault, I was probably doing it wrong, but who can tell by reading the directions. I might as well have been trying to read swahili. And computers, the most frustrating of them all.

The problems is, we are all suckers for technology. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I'm just saying the makers of these gadgets should realize we're not all part of the geek squad. Take some pity on us please and make these things dependable and easier to set up. We'll all be happier, you'll make more money, and we won't lose our minds.
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