Monday, October 09, 2006


HOW DO YOU HELP A FRIEND THROUGH GRIEF? I'm not sure, but I recently had to deal with that very question, and I read everything I could get my hands on. Death, and the grieving process are differant for everybody, which complicates the situation. All I wanted to do was take away my friends pain, but i've learned, as hard as it is to do, I need to allow him to go through his grief in his own way and own time.

That's one of the most frustrating parts of grief, everybody deals with it differantly. Even the person grieving may not know what they will feel at any given moment. Through all my research, I learned a few things you may find helpful if, and when, you find yourself in this situation.

Ways You Can Help
  • Let your friend know you are there for them whatever they may need
  • Don't be afraid to talk about the loved one they lost
  • Don't worry if their emotions seem to go from one extreme to another
  • Take your cues from them:if they want to talk than talk, if they want to sit with you and say nothing let them, if they want to act as if everything is ok, go with it

The truth is, nothing is going to take away the pain they will have to go through. Be patient with them, they will be dealing with their grief and loss the rest of their lives in differant ways.

I hope you find these tips helpful when you find yourself in this situation. And remember to take care of yourself as well. When you care about a somebody enough to feel their pain, you will end up feeling it.

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