Monday, October 09, 2006


Due to the ever increasing frustration that has become part of my life, I have added a new category to my blog. It's called Daily Rant. Watch out people, this is where I plan on unloading all the anger and hostility I can't take out on the idiots or things that cause me strife in the world.

We shall start our rant today on computers, or as my precious little nephew calls them, paputors, (he's 3-years-old and a genius!) Were computers invented to make our lives easier or a living hell? Because honestly, on any given day it could be either one, or usually both, for me.

Take for example saving your digital pictures. They make it sound like it is the easiest thing in the world. Just plug this thing a majig in here, then click this button, oh but make sure it's compatible with the computer program you have or you'll break everything, even your tv. Oh, the television had nothing to do with it but somehow it linked up to some doohiky, and now they're all broken.

The problem is we'v become so accustom to having the tech toys that we start to rely on them. Just recently, my sister's computer crashed, through no fault of her own, and she lost everything!!!!! Pictures of my nephew, work related stuff, home business stuff, you know a bunch of really important stuff! Before computers she would have had all of that ..stuff filed away as hard copies, but not now.

It's not that I want all these unbelievably magical things to go away, I just want whoever makes them to remember we didn't all spend our teenage years locked away in our garages. Not to build computers anyway.

Please feel free to comment on any of my rants. And don't be shy, add yours to my comment box and I just may add them to my blog.
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