Tuesday, October 10, 2006


It's that time of year again, the holiday season. This means your kids are starting to think about their Christmas lists in earnest, and you are starting to peruse the deals on airline tickets you can get to go visit extended family for the holiday season. One of the things people dread the most is the high risk they face of getting sick while traveling.

Most people believe they get sick from the poor air quality on airplanes, false. While you do run a higher risk of getting sick while traveling, it's more about the close proximity you have with all the other people on the plane.

The air quality on a plane is actually much better than on the ground. In fact, it goes through a filtration system twice before ever getting to you in the cabin. By the time in reaches the masses on board, all but 3% of germs have been filtered out. I can't say the same thing for that precious little tyke sitting next to you.

Granted, you are somewhat trapped in this cesspool of germs, but there are things you can do to help improve your chances of staying healthy.

  • Drink plenty of fluids: I'm talking about water, not coffee or alcohol, they will dehydrate you and raise your risk of getting sick
  • Get your own bottled water, don't drink the planes tap water or ice. The quality isn't the best, I'll just leave it at that
  • Get up and move around as often as possible. This will get you away from your tightly packed seat where you're practically directly breathing in the air your neighbor is breathing out, and it's good for your circulation

The Holiday Season should be a happy time, filled with family and friends, not a time to be downing Advil and cough syrup like it's candy. Don't let traveling during the holiday season stress you out, that's what your in-laws are for.

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