Thursday, October 05, 2006

How To Kill A Zit

Picture this; it's the night before some big event, and as you're passing by your hallway mirror, and sneak that glimpse we all try to pretend we don't do, you see it...A ZIT! But wait, you're 37 not 17. What the heck, weren't those nasty bastards supposed to go away when puberty did?

Unfortunately, they don't, not completely at least. There are all kinds of reasons for this I suppose, but I slept through the class in biology that explained all of that. I no longer question the why of it, but I do question how to deal with it.

The good news is I found a simple solution that helps alleviate, if not get rid of, the problem. Believe or not it's Visine. You heard me, I said Visine. You know their tag line; Visine, it gets the red out, and it really does!

Here's all you have to:

  1. Put one drop of Visine on a cotton swab
  2. Gently apply pressure to the offending area
  3. Wait 30 seconds

After that, no more red, at least not for a few hours anyway. You may have to re-apply throughout the day, but by the next day not only will the red be gone, the protrusion will be much smaller. I think the Visine helps dry it out or something. I'm not really sure how it works, and I don't care just as long as it works.

Try it one time and let me know how it works. I'm also open to any and all beauty tips you may have.

Bye for now, talk to you later.

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