Thursday, October 05, 2006

Is Green Tea a Medical Miracle?

I have been hearing about the medicinal benefits of Green Tea for years. I even find myself perusing my grocery store to look for my favorite green tea enhanced beverage, but is it all for not? Does green tea really contain magical ingredients that can cure everything from a hang nail to Cancer? The answer is...maybe.

Green Tea has been around for approximately 5,000 (well, I'm sure it's been around longer, we've just known about it that long), and from the beginning it's been touted as a miracle elixir. It's reputation is so renown, even The National Cancer Institute (NCI), and The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), have spent their time and money researching it, but thus far, the results are mixed.

The FDA has come to a conclusion about green tea's effects on Breast and Prostate Cancer, and based on two different studies, they find green tea to have no positive effect in either disease. The NCI also states that, while they have had promising results on research in rats, such as inactivating oxidants before cell damage, a reduction in number and size of tumors and inhibited growth of Cancer cells, the finding in human studies have not been as conclusive.

So, what does all of this mean? Basically, if you like green tea by all means drink it, but if you're looking for a medical miracle you may have to look elsewhere. The jury is still out though on this issue, so stay tuned and we may just find our miracle after all.

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