Friday, October 13, 2006


intimidation, men, testosterone.

I was getting a pedicure yesterday and had an experience I'm sure all women have had at one time or another; a puffed up jackass, hyped up on his own testosterone, trying to use intimidation on me. Laughable if you know anything about me.

In a nutshell: he was blocking me when I was trying to get into the parking lot at my manicurist, and so I gave him "the look." You know the one, it says "what the hell are you doing?" As I got out of my car, I saw him approaching me the way a father would approach a child who has done something wrong.

I told him if he thought he was going to confront and try to intimidate me he better just walk away. Of course, an ugly confrontation ensued, with him pacing back and forth between me and my car. In the middle of the whole nasty scene, which I won't bore you with, a little old lady came out of the manicurists and yelled at the man to go away and stop harassing "this sweet girl."

I don't know this lady, I've never seen her before in my life, but I will never forget her. She reminded me that just as one bad person can put a blight on your day, a good person can turn it all around and make you happy again.

It's a lesson I will try not to forget, and I will try to follow that sweet lady's example every chance I get.

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